Friday, February 17, 2012

“Not a Miracle: Yes, you can produce a Girl or Boy at your own wish.”

“Not a Miracle: Yes, you can produce a Girl or Boy at your own wish.”

(A Proposal to Develop A Technique)

- developed by 
proposed before DBT, Ministry of Science

Since the evolution of human population and societies it is quite interesting to see the ups and downs in male and female dominating nature of society. In due course of time we have attained such a level of cruelty that we actually started to kill our own children (especially girl child). This is a natural instinct of a living organism to have attraction and affection for a particular sex for various reasons. Same thing persists in the case of offspring’s. Every individual have a desire of producing a child of a particular sex. But still this is an unaddressed question how to give birth to a male or a female child according to our wish.
We are here with such a plan which will surely be able to address this problem of society by helping couples out of such problems.
Novelty of the Idea :
In our country (and obviously in other parts of the world) this is a burning question before the authorities how to prevent incidents like female feticides. Since no proper rules are there on the dice and implementation of such rules by our governments  even seems closer to impossible we strongly suggest to have some methods or kits for families and couples so that in future they don’t face questions like ’should they allow their little girl child in the womb to come on Earth? ’ These questions are nothing more than a black spot on the face of our most evolved society of the history of human evolution (as we often boast).
Such problems need to be strongly addressed by scientist communities and policy makers so that not even a single child is killed just because she is a girl.
So we are presenting a multistep full proof methodology to produce a child of desired sex. Differences in average life, DNA and energy content  and speed of travel inside the vagina, these differences in the properties of male and female sperms can be exploited in developing a plan which can make it possible to conceive a child of desired sex. 

Competitive Analysis and Market Potential:
There is no reason to question about potential of this plan because this is such a big issue that government shouldn’t have any reason for delaying approval and funding for such a noble cause. And healthcare sector companies can do even better by manufacturing ovulation kits and many other products which will assist in implementation of the program. Hospitals can establish a separate department to deal such cases. We also assure you that once this comes into practice many problems will get addressed single handedly. Since this is a plan, which is directly related to every individual no need to bother about its success in market.

Commercialization Potential:
I have done a survey and found that more than 90 % individuals are interested in producing a child of desired sex. Since this is a problem of you and me. Everybody wants to have his child number one to be a boy or a girl and similarly for child number two, three and so on…... But the question is whether it is so simple to implement a properly designed plan inside a society where more than half are uneducated.
Another problem is a section of society which claim to be ethicist .They may raise the issues of the rights of embryos. So it will also be a challenge to convince them.
If these two obstacles are solved then no doubt it will bring a new revolution in healthcare industry. To make a more effective plan health sector companies should focus on developing cheaper techniques for sperm sorting. The pharma companies must focus on manufacturing cream and gels, which will provide optimum acidic (5.5) and alkaline (9.0) pH for female and male sperms respectively.
Other techniques like saliva microscopes that detect estrogen surge, urine ovulation tests  that detect LH surge, high-tech fertility monitors that focus on both of these hormones and bbt thermometer to check basal temperatures which tells when a lady ovulate every month. Thus lady can pinpoint her ovulation date to reach reasonable accuracy level.
Since these kits are already present in market, we need to compile them in a compact and 100% accurate ovulation kit, having all these features. Government must establish centers for people to understand their ovarian cycle and accordingly provide  assistance in deciding date, time and best positions for sexual intercourse. 
Although many unsuccessful attempts were made in many parts of the globe by many scientists, we firmly believe that our plan will surely help in eradicating evils like female feticide from the society……

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